04 November, 2018

Writing 101: Inspiration or advice from writers to young writers

Hi guys, spare a second and join me today in talk about writing!
Welcome to:

Hello hello and welcome to another Sunday of me sharing some good tips and articles I found on writing!

Today we will discuss:Inspiration or advice from writers to young writers!

OK, so many people see and perceive writing as something very very easy and everyone cal be a writer, but actually it's one of the most hardest jobs in the world.

Sometimes our most worst critic - is ourselves and believe me I speak from experience. I am very horrible to myself about my own writing, I re-read things multiple times, I always think I could have done this better, that better, what was I thinking even or ever writing this or that, and even if people tell me it's good, it's great I don't believe them until the text is interesting to myself as well.

So after such period, I completely lose faith in myself and just say 'You know, maybe I'm not a writer'. These thoughts keep following me every time I start to write a new thing, or even set my mind to a new topic, and I just give in to this doubt.

So I think I'm not the only one who goes through these emotions every day and I want to share a great video with you guys, a video that helps me push this self-doubt just a little!

Note: Maybe take Richard Ford's notes with a gentle heart :D He is hilarious :D

So writers, believe in yourselves! Because at the end of the day, you are all you got!

See y'all next time!


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