19 August, 2018


Happy Sunday, friends! Welcome to Sunday Portraits, where we give a face to our beloved book friends!

 Today we have: Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor:

Despite living in an environment where she has been taught to hate humans, Sarai does not feel the need to hurt them and defies Minya even if it means seclusion and disownment. Minya also fails to manipulate Sarai’s emotions by appealing to her guilt because Sarai is quite fixated on her personal beliefs and would never do anything she isn’t comfortable in doing.

Quite idealistic, Sarai has impossible dreams and feels limited by being trapped inside the citadel. She lives her life through others dreams and used unique ways to torture them.

Unlike Minya, Sarai is not practical about the hatred that she receives from them and hopes that someone will love her despite her being a godspawn


I really loved this book so much. It was big, beautiful, and as perfect a high-fantasy as one without elves can be. Sarai was one of the main protagonists there, a tragic hero, for she was born with blue skin, meaning she was a hated Godspawn, hidden in a tower high above a city, casting a shadow upon it. Every Godspawn has a talent of some kind, hers were moths that would fly out of her mouth and affect peoples dreams to her liking, then, at dawn, return into her mouth.

Book review: Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor
Painting by: Nosferatu


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