13 July, 2018


Though pen names are used for slightly different reasons today than when used by our literary counterparts in the previous centuries, many modern authors still adopt some sort of nom de plume to identify their work. The history of pen names dates all the way back to the 1720s where authors used them for various reasons: to remain anonymous, easily switch genres, hide from the law, and most commonly to avoid sexism. The infographic below shows some of the most famous pen names plus the reasons in which each author wrote under them!

If you have an interest in creating a pen name for your works, but can’t figure out where to start, Invaluable created a nifty pen name generator to help. It populates a unique pen name based on the genre and gender you choose. There's also an option to type in your first or last name and it will create one that incorporates them! Check it out, and tell us which name you landed on in the comments below!

Disclaimer: P.S. I love that book! did not receive any financial or other type of compensation to promote this website. We think Invaluable.com has a fun and unique idea that benefits bookish community and we are proud to help spread the word.


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