06 May, 2018

Writing 101: Naming Your Character

Hi guys, spare a second and join me today in talk about writing!
Welcome to:

Hello hello and welcome to another Sunday of me sharing some good tips and articles I found on writing!

Today we will discuss: Naming Your Character!

I for one, find this very very difficult for few reasons:
1. I usually name my other side characters easily but the leads usually go nameless for almost half of the writing until I hear or find a name I really like.
2. I tend to vary from Lithuanian and English names, and only later I realize that they are impossible for non Lithuanian people to pronounce.

So if you have the same issues as me let me share what I have found on the web, that might help you as it did me!

  • The majority of articles I read said that the names should depend on the genre you are writing. I switched from fantasy to more of a contemporary at the moment, meaning that the names I chose for my fantasy book did not fit any of the contemporary stories.
  •  Know the world: let's say you are creating a world, so you won't probably name your lead character Susan, or Jeff. Choose names that best suit the world you created.
  • Also always make sure that the name should fit the character, not the pretty fit, but their inner character. If your character is strong and deep and has inner strength you probably won't name them Becky (of course if you're writing a comedy that might be funny). But in general just chose names that fits their personality.

Ok, so, let me share a video that I found extremely helpful  and just so beyond funny!
Learn, create, develop and write!

See y'all next time!


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