03 June, 2016

JUNE TBR of Laura

Alright, I decided that I won't be reading that much in June because I have A TON of things to do:
  1. One essay
  2. Two research proposals
  3. Prepare my internship contract
  4. Four dances (rehearse and memorize choreography)
  5. One more lab rotation
  6. Write a report about all three lab rotations...
  7. Seven final exams

You can get an idea right? So for the Goodreads group All our TBR's I will read Six of Crows (finally!) and re-read Anna and the French Kiss. Also, I will try to read Ten Thousands Skies Above You and The Star-Touched Queen.

I had Te Lo Dije as a re-read too but I finished it already and posted the review in both Spanish and English :)

Pssttt I might start with Winter although it's a July read. It's very long so I want to start it asap.

PS: I've just realized that I'm reading a lot... hmm I always find a way to procrastinate with studies by reading oh my god I'm terrible. Help me.

Are there any books you want us to review in particular? If you'd like to suggest a book to Hannah, Martyna, and/or me to read for July please use the Contact Us tab above.