10 May, 2015

Liebster Award!

Thanks to Cynthia of Cynthia's On Pens and Needles for nominating our blog! The Liebster Award is a chain award created to welcome  and introduce new bloggers into the community.

Link back to the person that nominated you
Give 11 random facts about yourself
Answer 11 questions from your nominator
Nominate 11 new and obscure bloggers
Come up with 11 questions for them to answer
Inform your nominees

Random Facts About HannahCassie
1. I am obsessed with cheese. Everything must taste like cheese.
2. I love sports! I go to gym 3 - 4 times per week.
3. My first tablet was named Patric, my new tablet is names Patric Junior.
4. I went to drawing school for 3 years and I hate drawing now.
5. I love rabbits, my boyfriend and I go out of our way to the park just to see them.
6. I am vegetarian for almost 2 years.
7. I play Teemo in League of Legends.
8. I buy books based on their cover.
9. I have moved from country to country 5 times in last 6 years.
10. My friend and I wrote a fanfiction story on daily basis for 8 years.
11. I am fluent in 3 languages and taken part in Spanish, French, Norwegian and Japanese basic courses.

Random Facts About Laura
1. I used to have straight hair but suddenly changed to curly when I was around 10 or 11 years old.
2. I had to take care of my cat since I was 9 so I kind of spoiled her a bit.
3. I like to know the meaning of (people's) names.
4. One of my goals for next year is to get into Trinity Laban's dance summer school.
5. I don't have any piercings or tattoos.
6. I do IQ tests when I'm bored.
7. My birthday is the same as Harry Potter and J.K. "Queen" Rowling. I couldn't have asked for a better day to be born.
8. I'd like to learn how to ice skate properly.
9. I am a Ravenclaw with the sass of a Slytherin.
10. I have been out of my country for 3 years now. I miss it.
11. My favorite TV show is BBC Sherlock.

Questions From Cynthia - HannahCassie
1. How has reading affected your life?
I cannot imagine my life without reading. It is best way to relax.

2. Do you generally prefer the book or the movie?

3. Do you prefer physical books or e-books?
Always physical, tho I have to admit maybe when traveling I prefer e-book.

4. Do you have a special place to read?
Bed. I tried many places but bed is the best.

5. Name a book that everyone else loved but you hated it.

6. What genre of book do you avoid?
Romance chick flick

7.  First book you remember reading yourself?
Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book

8. Which musical instrument, if any, do you play or would like to play?
I play piano and guitar.Would also love to play cello.

9.  What's the most recent book you DNF'd, and why?
Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby. Could not stand the writing style.

10.  What's your favorite holiday?

11.  Name your favorite literary character.
Rory Gilmore? :D No, I know she is not literary...I guess Hermione then.

Questions From Cynthia - Laura
1. How has reading affected your life?
It turned me into a reading machine with no desire to socialize because books are my best friends. Okay I socialize but not as much as other people.

2. Do you generally prefer the book or the movie?
The book hands down!

3. Do you prefer physical books or e-books?
Physical, but e-books are more practical (and cheaper)

4. Do you have a special place to read?
My bed. Always.

5. Name a book that everyone else loved but you hated it.
The Catcher in the Rye or The Great Gatsby.

6. What genre of book do you avoid?
I don't have a specific genre I avoid... it depends on the book itself.

7.  First book you remember reading yourself?
Matilda by Roald Dahl

8. Which musical instrument, if any, do you play or would like to play?
I used to play the Spanish guitar and I would like to play piano.

9.  What's the most recent book you DNF'd, and why?
The Maze Runner... I tried but I couldn't make it pass the first 20 pages. I liked the movie though so I'll give it another chance.

10.  What's your favorite holiday?
Summer vacation :)

11.  Name your favorite literary character.
Hermione Granger probably but I have sooooo many favorites!

Our Nominees
1. Jooniel Heo
2. Bookmuffin
3. Carpe Noctem
4. Rurouni Jenni Reads
5. Pen Markings
6. Book Choose
7. Guerrilla Warfare for Writers
8. Perfect Duett
9. Books, Stars, Writing. And everything in between,
10. Around the world in books
11. Diaries of a Book Lover

Questions for My Nominees
1. Dogs or cats?
2. If you could be anybody, who would you be?
3. If you could change one big thing in world history, what would you change?
4. Somebody told you you can have 3 books you want for free, what would you buy?
5. Night out with friends or cozy time with book in bed?
6. Hot chocolate or tea?
7. How would your life change if there was no more coffee left in the world?
8. What languages can you speak?
9. What are you thinking right at this moment?
10. What was the last book you read?
11. What book you want to buy but keep having second thoughts?


  1. Thanks for the nomination. I will post it on my blog soon!


  2. Hi Hannah Cassie, thanks for stopping by my blog. Oooh, this awards thingy are all new to me. Thanks for the nomination. It's a fun way to spread love in the blogosphere but I'm pretty sure I will not be able to comply with all the rules. So sorry. Am sending my blog love thru a Bloglovin' follow instead. Cheers! :)

    Jennilyn @ RurouniJenniReads

    1. It's alright don't worry, it is about having fun an welcoming new/small blogs to the community ;)

  3. Found you through Feature and Follow Friday. Congrats on your award!! It always feels good when other bloggers recognize the work you've done. New GFC follower!

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress' FF

    1. Yessss that's why we were so happy to take part in award chain!

      Following also ;)
